Gourmet DIY Life-long Reduction Binge

07 Dec

Here is what my title says this posting is about:

A person with a discerning palate who can, on their own, for the rest of their life, cut or diminish the short periods devoted to indulging in an activity to excess, especially eating.

It is a long drawn out description of changing the way you eat, allowing for scheduled temporary breaks, with determination, for as long as you shall live!

We all pretty much eat whatever we want, when we want it, without ever a care for the future! Most of us need to learn to do this, but only 2 days a week! Reduce the binge to two days and cut the intake of carbs, calories and fat the other five days!

Think about this… most jobs… On five off two, repeated week after week, after month, after year, and if you save a pinch each payday, saving for something special… eventually you get what you so much desire.  You do not work continually without time off! And the Fairy Tale Diet is the same kind of situation. 

If you only work 5 days a week, this does not mean that you work part-time…  It is a full-time job you do for a living!  You slave 5 days a week so you can play 2 days a week. You look forward to your 2 days… thus the ‘TGIF” phrase because we know that on the next day we get to make all the calls for 48 hours, slaving for no one because that time is we spend as we see fit!   We all get to eat, drink and be merry!

Why not think about your food intake the same way?  Restrict your intake with dishes that are delicious but super low in calories for five days only.  It takes a mere 1200-2000 calories a day, depending on you body size and physical excursions just to live, just to breath, pump your heart, digest your food, blink and think. If you make your body move more than you give it fuel to sustain these activities then you lose weight.  Most of us are opposed to that idea.  The only other option is to quit stoking the fire with fuel that is going to be stored away as fat, but only do it for five days, just short of your body shutting down because it thinks you are starving.

Enter: the Fairy Tale Diet.  Come the weekend you will re-trigger your metabolic rate by eating anything your little heart desires… anything! Pizza? Go for it!  Banana Split with a ton of whip cream and hot fudge?   Breakfast out for biscuits and gravy with hash, bacon, sausage, pancakes and four eggs?  No problem!  How about some greasy fried chicken for lunch with a heaping helping of potato salad?  That’s what I’ve been talking about!  On five off two, repeated week after week, after month, after year.  You will eventually reach your goal without guilt or feeling deprived and still have a great time getting there!

You need to do what I did. You must become absolutely passionate about losing weight, to the goal of losing weight and feeling better.  No one can do this for you.  No future occasion will be powerful enough to keep you to the task.  Drug addicts, alcoholics, smokers and gamblers can all remove the cause temptation of their addictions but not us.  Our weakness is food.  We either crave it or use it to pacify feelings of neglect, abandonment, and worthlessness, or as a form of celebration or to entice with.  We use food.  We also must consume food to continue to exist.  That old saying ‘you and take a horse to water but you can’t make him drink ‘ is true.  Horses are smart. If a horse is not thirsty, does not need the liquids it will not drink. If you take the horse to water… and the water is bad, the horse will not drink… if only we were that smart.

Humans are weak.  We fall to temptation and are lured into a multitude of sins through our senses’. Eve was living proof!  We get a whiff of something that smells delicious and we go weak in the knees.  Food is our passion.  Now we need a new passion if we are to change what we see in the mirror.  Your passion about your goal keeps you committed and will assure your success.  Once you are passionate about achieving your weight loss goal, you will find the way to do it.  You will also find it easier to say no to those things that once held power over you!  You will no longer be reaching for the ‘forbidden fruit’!  Everybody’s body is different. Everybody has different cravings. Everybody that is over weight has eaten more calories than their body can burn on any given day, day after day, for a while now!   Only you can find the reason, the strength, the desire and passion that will keep you on the path to reach your goal weight and optimum size.  Above all, you must stay positive about what you are doing.  Being negative never gets you anywhere. Positive thoughts and actions, supporters and loved ones will help change your bad health habits into new positive healthy behaviors.

Just a little less than a year ago I weighed in at 307 pounds in a size 26. I am now a size 22, and heading for 250 pounds, and I smile A LOT more.  I have a lot more energy and my DH loves it!  It took me a while to face what I was doing to myself… and I decided I did not like what I saw, so… I changed; I now take care of myself. 

Join me…this site is here to tell you what I’ve learned about losing weight and being healthy.  I will give you FREE RECIPES and share the research I have found in hopes that the information benefits you as much as it has me.

On five off two, repeated week after week, after month, after year, after all… if it leads you down a path that ends at your goal… and you get to live happily ever after… while enjoying delicious gourmet dishes that are unbelievably low in calories… wouldn’t all be worth the journey?

If you have not come to that head space… and you are still playing with the idea that you can just diet enough to lose a few pounds to fit into a sweet outfit or swimsuit by a certain date… okay… give us a try… you will see that the Fairy Tale Diet does produce results. 

But, however, if you know the term the doctors use to describe your present weight is called obese… then you, just like me, are a perfect candidate for this precious and amazing change that you can make… and finally keep on track… On five off two, repeated week after week, after month, after year, after all… obviously nothing else has worked yet!  This worked for DH, it works for me, and it works for several of our friends… It will work for you if you work it!

Be that Gourmet DIY Life-long Reduction Bindger and join me on the Fairy Tale Diet. I would love a few more partners on this life’s journey!

Soooo… why don’t we create a special, delicious, gelatin treat from today’s FREE RECIPE?  You may even want to give them away as you stand under the mistletoe, or as special holiday presents!

Kids and adults can’t resist these easy, yummy treats!

Gelatin Oatmeal Mint Strawberries


2 cups oatmeal uncooked

½ cup powdered non-dairy creamer
1 cup hot water (about)
1 Large package sugar-free strawberry gelatin


1 teabag of mint tea, opened and poured on saucer

1 package of Splenda or 10 drops of Splendex

Water to moisten tea-leaves
Put all BERRY ingredients into a medium bowl. Mix together to a very thick pie crust consistency. Occasionally rinsing your hands in water makes it easier to work with the batter. Form into strawberries and place them on parchment or foil. 

People eat parsley and cilantro, and so… why not a tiny bit of mint tea leaves… they help with digestion, and add a nice flavor to our strawberries.  There are no phony leaves or stems to throw away and no sugar or frosting to add calories.  Oatmeal is a great source of fiber.

Mix all the LEAVES ingredients and then dip the stem area of your berries into the tea mixture and place the berries back on the foil.  Allow to firm up for about half and hour and then either eat or package them up into an airtight container and place in the fridge or freezer.

Makes about 36 berries. (The only calories in these delicious treats are in the oatmeal.)

PS. When done… wash your bowl and mixing spoon… but pour your tea into a cup… fill with boiling water… allow the tea to brew, leaves to fall… and relax as you lean back sipping your tea and nibbling a couple of these strawberries, and reflect on your latest culinary success!
This is Granny’s’ Gourmet DIY for the Fairy Tale Diet!

Class dismissed ‘till later



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Posted by on December 7, 2011 in Desserts, Uncategorized


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